The strategic role of software robotics: Why business executives should pay attention to RPA?

Why business executives should pay attention to software robotics? Many business executives can relate to frustrations that come from painfully inefficient implementation of strategy. When speaking of this problem, managers most often refer to a lack of technological readiness and staff resistance to change. Another popular topic for discussions is the growing necessity for digital…

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Digital worker in a bank – threat or opportunity

Digital Worker in a Bank

Uber-phenomenon is expected to hit the banks next: new players come to market and attract customers by providing financial services faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Traditional financial supermarkets offering online banking, no longer hold sufficient advantage. Instead, banks face pressure to renew services. Complex information systems have developed tremendously over the last years speeding up transactions. Yet, using multiple IT-systems…

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Decoding the potential of Robotic Process Automation in healthcare

RPA in Healthcare Industry

Digital Workforce recently attended Healthcare ADP-days 2016, a convention about IT in healthcare, and organised a private side event  for a selected group of conference goers. The cocktail hour was used to present the findings of a newly published research that measured Finnish healthcare workers’ work-time distribution, and with Birmingham University Hospital’s IT director, Stephen Chilton, who shared his…

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Blue Prism CTO, Dave Moss answers beginner’s questions about Robotic Process Automation

Digital Workforce joined Blue Prism Partner World event in London, May 11th 2016. The event promoted global connections between partners and hosted eminent speakers that openly shared their knowledge about industry trends and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) best practices. The event organiser, Digital Workforce’s software partner Blue Prism is the original inventor of the now internationally recognised…

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New research: A third of doctors use over 6 hours of their shift on knowledge work

rpa for doctors

Press release – free publishing 20.4.2016 Knowledge work with its routines grabs up to half the work time of doctors and other healthcare professionals. Tekes funded pioneering research by Digital Workforce Nordic Oy, and investigated the use of time on knowledge work among public health care workers. 5754 people working in nine Finnish health care districts participated in…

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