Digital Workforce joins the annual ABSL conference in Łódź, Poland 12.-14.6.

The Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL) is the leading organization representing the business services sector in Poland. The annual ABSL conference held in the city of Łódź 12.-14.6. brings together business leaders and influential representatives of various industries, providing an exceptional opportunity for insightful discussions and networking. Following the setting up of Digital Workforce’s…

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Digital Workforce joins Blue Prism partners in New York and London at Blue Prism World conference

Digital Workforce joins Blue Prism partners in New York and London at Blue Prism World event. The conference showcases customer adoptions and latest innovations in digital transformation and software robotics driving the digital workforce of the future. The Blue Prism World conference is held in New York on June 7th, and London on June 21st.…

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The robotics journey of Shop Direct – Interview with Lindsay Harrison

Shop Direct is the UK’s second largest pureplay online retailer. Head of Business Agility, Lindsay Harrison has worked for the company since 2006 and has been instrumental in pioneering RPA within the company. She is also a founding member of the Operational Agility Forum, the first forum for enterprise RPA. Harrison spoke about her experiences…

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Digital Workforce opens a new #DWFstudents event series in Kalasatama, Helsinki

Are you curious about robotics and automation? Do you want to ride the waves created by the greatest revolution of our time? Digital Workforce offers students an inspiring evening with the future of work and software robotics. Sign up free – seats are limited! Digital Workforce invites students to an evening event in Kalasatama, Helsinki…

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Live-blog: Future of computer based knowledge work 11.5.2017, Scandic Park Helsinki

Follow live also on Twitter and Instagram #tietotyö17 Event hosts: Digital Workforce and Talouselämä Visit the event page here.   8.55 Guests are arriving to Scandic Park Helsinki. Breakfast is served. 9.05 Emilia Kullas, Talouselämä: Opening remarks. 9.08 Heikki Länsisyrjä, cofounder Digital Workforce: Welcome to the event!   9.15 Emilia Kullas: Introducing Dr Jacques Bughin, Senior Partner at McKinsey and…

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Focus matters in process automation

Something extraordinary took place in the U.S. this spring. A car manufacturer producing tiny volumes of just a few models and not creating any profit at all, rose to be the one with the highest market value. Huge giants, General Motors and Ford, are now #2 and #3. As you can easily guess, the number…

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Money Fintech 2017 – Sign up for the 16.-17.5. event and learn to beat the competition!

Digital Workforce joins Money Fintech event on 16.-17.5.2017! If you want to beat the competition and know what is mainstream tomorrow – this is where you hear it.  Check out the event and register here. Don’t miss your chance to learn about the latest trends and the future of work – knowledge work automation and digital workers. Come…

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Introducing Digi and our new look!

Hello everyone, My name is Digi and I’ve recently moved to Mechelininkatu 1, Helsinki. I felt like home straight away, but still some things had to change. To make the place my own I’ve done a small renovation and I’m really happy with the results – just check it out! But what am I doing…

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Future of computer based knowledge work- conference 11.5.2017 by Digital Workforce and Talouselämä

Software robots and artificial intelligence are not just technologies among others – they have brought about innovations that shape the future of business. How do you take advantage of digital the transformation? How have others succeeded? What does the near future hold for knowledge intensive organizations? Sign up for Digital Workforce and Talouselämä’s joint conference…

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Digital Workforce returns to Vitalis eHealth conference in 2017!

Digital Workforce returns to Vitalis: Meet us at our stand B02:41, April 25-27 2017!  We also introduce, in collaboration with PwC Sweden, a keynote from a RPA Pioneer and Innovation Lead – Stephen Chilton of Birmingham University Hospital. Come hear more about the virtual workforce revolutionising healthcare on April 27, 2017 13.00 – 13.30! Vitalis is the largest…

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RPA – From zero to hundred in just 100 days

Utilizing the digital workforce (or RPA – Robotic Process Automation) is easy, they say. The projects are fast and Lean. In just a few weeks you can automate practically any routine in your organization. Finally, we can say good bye to IT budgeting and long IT wish lists that never get implemented. Or is it…

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Public entities in digital transformation – New frontiers of cooperation

public entities in digital transformation

Can public entities be forerunners in implementing digital technologies and how can companies be involved in the development process? Ultimate goal: Be great at serving your customers The goal in using digital technologies is to serve customers more efficiently. In the case of public organizations customers being us, the people. The Finnish Ministry of Finance…

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Reaching automation excellence with Blue Prism Chief Technology Officer Dave Moss

Following our RPA seminar on processes and information systems development last month, we sat down with the keynote speaker Dave Moss, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Blue Prism. Elaborating on issues discussed at the event, Moss shared his expertise, and vision for the future of work. Q: What is the first step in identifying…

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Digital Workforce marches forward on a mission to improve healthcare processes

Digital Workforce continues to actively participate in the development of healthcare processes. The company was recently accepted on a list of suppliers of an acquisition ring led by HUS, and Ropsu, a home care software robot, took victory in an international innovation competition. Inspired by the news, we decided to share some practical examples of…

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Iceland, give us a call!

There is simply too much work in the world and too few people to do it! Australia, New Zealand, Canada, China and more recently Iceland have all launched campaigns to attract foreign talent. The Reykjavik Grapevine reports that up to 4,000 foreign workers are needed in Iceland in the next year. This is due to a combination…

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A look to the future with Professor Leslie Willcocks: RPA and the changing world of work

With 2017 fast approaching, a glance at the future seems only appropriate. In our exclusive interview with Professor Willcocks, we look ahead in two areas: the future of utilizing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and its implications to the market at large. Past November Digital Workforce organized a unique breakfast seminar discussing the role of RPA…

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Learnings and take-aways from #RPAbreakfast2016

Digital Workforce organized a unique breakfast seminar on the 2nd of November, discussing the role of RPA, Robotic Process Automation, as part of digital strategy. Over the morning hours, the industry’s leading movers and shakers shared their thoughts on the future of work with a packed audience. So… What did we learn? Professor Leslie Willcocks,…

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Robotisation is part of digitalisation strategy – breakfast seminar 2.11.2016

Welcome to #RPAbreakfast2016! We are looking forward to a great event. 8.21 am Breakfast is served! 9.05 am Co-founder Jukka Virkkunen welcomes the crowd! Thank you everyone for making it here today despite the cold weather! Today’s question: “How does robotisation link to business strategy?” 9.08 am Co-founder Heikki Länsisyrjä takes the stage. Introducing Digital…

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BPO vs RPA – A robotic perspective to outsourcing

RPA Outsourcing

Outsourcing business processes is not a new idea. For a long time already, businesses have outsourced things such as IT services, cleaning, and security to name just a few. RPA can also be seen as outsourcing. However, instead of outsourcing the work to a person or a group of people, the work is outsourced to…

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Intelligent Automation – Steps of progression

Often when people first hear about Robotic Process Automation, or RPA for short, they picture robots doing the job humans currently do. Not only that, in their mind the robot might even do the job the person currently holds. That is, understandably, an unpleasant thought. Nobody wants to be replaced, not by another human being,…

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