
BREAKFAST SEMINAR: Employ a successful digital worker – give your employees time for more valuable tasks

Where and when: Wednesday March 7th from 08.30-11.00, Tollbugata 8A (Spaces), Oslo

Is your organisation considering, or have you already employed digital workers – Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? Then you already know that digital workers free up employees from routine-based tasks, secure the work process quality and increase the business’ capacity to serve customers and citizens.

Robotic Process Automation shapes the job market of today and for the future. How do you employ and utilize a successful digital worker, and how do you develop the required skills and a collegial environment? How have digital workers assisted real businesses with wealth creation?

Robotic Process Automation is a modern method for innovation that creates actual profits for your business. The cost of the digitization strategy using RPA is often only a tenth of the cost of traditional IT projects.

Digital Workforce invites you to a breakfast seminar Wednesday 7. March 2018 at Tollbugata 8 (Spaces). The seminar is tailored towards leaders (CEO, CIO, CFO, CTO etc.), business developers and other business leaders working in medium to large organisations with interest for RPA and AI.

The breakfast seminar gives you a unique opportunity to hear the RPA history from one of the global leaders in RPA, Blue Prism. Codan Forsikring will hold an exciting presentation about their journey with RPA and how they have implemented and taught their digital workers. Finally, a presentation from Digital Workforce on the standardized delivery methods that have been developed to ensure a successful RPA implementation.

You can participate on the breakfast seminar gratuitously. It is a limited amount of room, and if there is not enough room for you this time, we will invite you to our next breakfast seminar. Confirmation of your participation will be sent by e-mail.

The event is organized by Digital Workforce – the leading RPA organization in the Nordics.

0830-0900 breakfast is served in Tollbugata 8A

Shape the future with digital workers – the road ahead together with RPA-technology
Pat Geary, Chief Evangelist, Blue Prism
This presentation is held in English

The RPA journey at Codan Forsikring – from pilot to a strategical instrument
Magnus Skarstein, RPA Analyst, Codan Forsikring

How to employ and educate your digital worker
Mads Laastad, Solutions Architect, Digital Workforce

Panel discussion
Possibility to ask presenters questions for discussion

Register here:

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