White paper

An inside look at how to build a robotic operating model

As companies start to recognise the potential of full Robotic Process Automation it has become more and more evident that reaching industrial level benefit is a totally different challenge compared to the benefits achieved for individual pilots. Multiple organisations are struggling to get the elements needed to reach an industrial capability in place.


We are ready to share our harvested experiences from a large number of complex RPA programs and insider tips for avoiding the most common pitfalls. Building a comprehensive Robotic Operating Model (ROM) covers such elements as vision, strategy, and steering but equally important is to select the right technology base and to define the needed roles and responsibilities to support RPA.


-What is a ROM and why it is relevant?
-Where to start?
-What are the key success factors in steering and prioritisation?
-What is the most critical element for a successful implementation of RPA?
-What are the characteristics of a good RPA technology platform?

And many more… If you are planning to industrialise your RPA, read on to get an insider look on building a successful Robotic Operating Model.

Robotic Operating Model
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